Thursday, November 29, 2007

Saving the World

I just saw the movie Bella on Tuesday night. I wasn't prepared for what my reaction would be. Bella is an independant film with a pro-life message that I thought was very well done. I really enjoyed the movie, although it's simple, and several of my younger (I like to think less cultured) friends, didn't like it so much.

At the end of the movie I was in tears. All I could think of was how I wanted to change the world. How I wanted to take pain away from one person, or bring joy to one person, or do something to make my stand against all of the death, pain, and anguish, lonliness, hopelessnes, confusion, and anger that is eating away at our world like an aggresive cancer.

I looked at my life, and felt insignificant, like I wasn't doing enough, but knowing that there's not much more I can do. I'm busy, I'm pretty much full to capacity. Believe it or not I am involved in several things that I think will help people, I guess my frustration comes when I don't see many results.

I don't see that tearful joy of a life that's just been changed.
Instead I see the hardened indifference of a college student who doesn't want free water or a short conversation.
I see the irritated Cuban who's name I just spelled wrong as I'm trying to help them get to Cuba and see their family and bring humanitarian aid to the poor.
I see the coldness of my friend who just doesn't want to hear the gospel truth I'm trying to share.
Jesus is the answer...the cure...the remedy, but no one seems to want to listen, no one seems to want to be healed, no one seems to want to admit they are broken.
I am reduced to praying.

Funny how I say that, as if praying is such a weak and insignificant thing to do...'reduced' or privileged?

When will I learn that more gets done when I let God be God?
This post doesn't really have a conclusion - I'm not even sure how cohesive it's been, but these are my thoughts, and I hope this post has provoked some of your own.

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