Tuesday, December 4, 2007


December 4th - that's today.

So today is December - that means CHRISTMAS!!!

What makes your Christmas holiday so special?

For me, it's a lot of things:

Decorating, christmas lights, smell of cinnamon, taste of Christmas cookies, Christmas carols, somewhat cooler weather (can't really call it cold), seeing family I don't see much, and lots and lots of shopping!!!

But the most important thing about Christmas is the reason for all of the above: God himself, coming to earth, and becoming a man. The God-man, Jesus who was born to a young girl in a manger.

I will be blogging through the Christmas story, clustering a few verses together and then just thinking about them. I invite you to join me as we walk slowly through this season that seems to hustle and bustle our already hectic lives. So grab a cup of hot cocoa (or a pepermint mocha from Starbucks. yum!) and lets walk nice and slow through the Christmas story.

See you here tomorrow!

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