Friday, October 26, 2007

What it's like, on Tuesday nights.

So, what do we do...besides blog periodically? Our main outreach is the "Free Water" giveaway, every other Tuesday night at Miami Dade College North Campus.

Usually on a Tuesday night, I'm tired from work, I have projects that need to be done at home, but going to Dade4Christ is worth it!

We *try* to get to Miami Dade College around 5:30pm. There are students getting on and off the bus, hanging around, walking to class. We set up our table. "Prayer Station" are the simple words to explain why we're there.

Of course we don't just give out free water, we are there to pray for the students and the campus, we are there to talk to who ever has the time to listen. We know that there is a fountain of living water that will staisfy all who come and drink, so that they will never be thirsty again.

The conversations aren't many, most people just take the water and leave. That's ok. Many refuse, that's ok too although it baffels me. Refuse FREE water? But still they refuse. Skepticism is common in Miami.

But the conversations we do have, they are rich. People are thirsty. Praise God, that even when I'm tired, and even when there is laundry to fold, cars to clean, and a husband to spend time with, I get to be at Dade4Christ offering the water of the gospel to those dying of thirst.

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