Wednesday, January 24, 2007


When I was a wee little thing, just starting to drive, I used to scoff at those who complained about traffic. "Common," I thought "what is the big deal?! especially if you're not even late for anything." Just being in the car was exhilarating and enjoyable, and I did not care if the palmetto was a parking lot!

Fast forward 4 years since I got my license, and let me tell you, nothing makes my heart sink harder or faster than pulling onto the palmetto, trying to head north at 5:30pm after a long day at work, and seeing a vast, seemingly unending, sea of cars...and they're not moving. What was my little 16-year-old brain thinking? Traffic stinks, and I sit in it every work day.

So I take a deep breath turn on my music and settle in for the slow grind home.
You know what I think gets me the most about traffic, not so much the fact that I'm dead tired and I just want to get home and turn my brain off (oh! that's part of it, but not the main thing). What really irks me about traffic, is PEOPLE IN MY WAY. I just don't like it. Something is in my way, something is hindering me from what I want to do and where I want to go, and there's really nothing I can do about it, I have no control

Sometimes life can feel like one big traffic jam. One thing after another hindering you from going where you want to go, and there's nothing you can do about it. It's frustrating...I know. So, what gets us through, what helps us cope with the traffic jams of life?

Well, when I'm on the palmetto at 5:30 there are several things that keep me from going absolutely insane. First, I usually look up at the sky...5:30 has some great sunsets. Looking up at the sky and enjoying the beauty of that sunset brings a smile to my face, and makes me somewhat grateful that I can't drive 70 miles per hour and miss God's masterpiece.

Where in your life can you look up to God's blessings? They may be small, they may be simple, but taking the time to look up at them could make your "traffic jam" go by much quicker.

The second thing I do is call someone. Talking on my phone also keeps me distracted and in better spirits. Is there someone you can bring into your life to encourage you and come along side you to help you through the rough spots of life?

And finally I remember that eventually I will get matter how bad the traffic has been, I've always made it home. The trials do not last forever, they will end, and that is good news.

Galatians 6:9
And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.


bushums said...

I know exactly what you're talking about. The thing I hate most about traffic is that I'm not in control. Even if I'm not late for anything, it drives me nuts to think that there is NOTHING I CAN DO about that stupid lane they closed off on the palmetto! Thank you for the reminder to take my eyes off the mess around me and focus on Christ.

Big-Jose said...

grateful that I can't drive 70 miles per hour and miss God's masterpiece.

This sentences convicted me big time, it really made me think when was the last time that I actually did that, and you know when it convicted me, when I couldn't remenber the last time . Thank you for such encouragement.