Thursday, January 4, 2007

Sure, I Believe in God...

So, what does it mean to 'believe in God'?
Does it mean to believe He exists as a divine being? Last time I checked the Devil (who was an angel that rebelled and got kicked out of heaven) also believes God exists.

If the devil believes in God, and has no moral growth to show for it, what good is it for you and I to believe in God? Is that going to do anyone any good?

The people in this world who really made a difference, who really accomplished anything, were people who had beliefs (beliefs are the first step - and VERY important) but they also let their beliefs inspire action.
Abraham Lincoln believed that slavery was wrong, so did a lot of other people, but his ACTIONS started the ball rolling on some real change in this country.

If you have a belief in God, great...but what action is it sparking?
If you want a belief in God, great...but what action is that sparking?
Don't be content to just let ideas float in your head. Ideas are great IF, and only if, they spark action.

1 comment:

Nathan said...

Hello all,

Yes it is a bit late for bloggin but oh well... Vannessa you hit it the crux of the issue, as James said faith without works is dead. The problem comes though when we start "attempting" to generate those works aside from that awesome realization that God is. I don't know if you remember when we had that talk about whether you ever have doubts that God is there and that christianity isn't just a cult. I might never come out and say I doubt that God's there but my actions, the times I'm freaking out at work the times I'm discontent with my circumstances and those actions declare that I either don't believe God's there or knows what I'm going through right now, thus undermining His sovereignty. Our faith in God is an awesome realization that God is, and that He is all that He says He is like it says in Hebrews 11:6. But that must, and when you realize it will, make you act and behave differently. To be a believer you must seem "out there" and make you act radically because truly believing that God became flesh and paid the debt for all my sins past, present and future is totally radical. That's why I ask myself everyday do I believe this? rather than what am I doing or not doing because if I truly believe in it I know I'll act differently. Like in the parable of the pearl of great price, that knowledge that the pearl was in the field inspired his action (as you put it) of purchasing the field to obtain it. Oh for more grace to see things clearly!