Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Sean Connery Flicked Me the Bird

I'm a little concerned. We're only three weeks into the spring semester and I'm already tottering on the edge of academic despair. It takes all that's within me to keep from hurling myself over the cliff boredom into the apathetic abyss below (ok, maybe I'm exaggerating a little bit).

The truth is, I've found it harder and harder to concentrate as the semester goes on. The first few days were great. The professors were new, the students were new... then I started to notice things... you know, little things. Let me give you an example.

I have physics at 2:00 every tues and thurs with professor Bone in one of those huge lecture halls. About halfway through his second lecture I couldn't help but notice the way he wrote on the whiteboard. He writes with his right hand and holds the marker cap between his left thumb and index finger. Normally this type of behavior wouldn't strike me as odd, but professor Bone likes to point at the class while lecturing. Since his index finger is occupied, he just waves his middle finger back and forth across the room. On top of that, he looks and talks exactly like Sean Connery. Understandably, it's quite difficult to listen to a lecture on the torque a uniform electric field exerts on a dipole while Sean Connery is flicking me the bird.

He's not the only professor I notice either. My ethics professor can't extend his right pinkie finger and sticks his tongue out every time he asks the class a question. My chem teacher looks at the floor every 45 seconds and has the oddest shaped beer-belly I have ever seen. If I didn't know better I'd think he stuffs a koala bear under his shirt before he comes to class.

The thing that bothers me the most, though, is that no one else my classes seem to notice. I don't understand it. There has to be someone else out there who sees these things... right?.


Vanessa said...

dude! I ALWAYS noticed weird things about my professors. Once...I noticed that my professor and I were wearing pretty much the exact same pair of jeans...and he was a very large, bearded, Russian looking man...very awkward!

Anonymous said...

David, I agree my professors do some strange things as well. One of them wears the same exact outfit every single day and she gets ticked off if there is a 1 second pause when she asks a question. My other professor, is Indian and stutters all the time. But none flick me off, I wish I had Sean Connery as my professor, but oh well, I am thankful that I can get an education.

Yes, this was a good topic, like you thought it would be, David you continue to amaze and humble me with your godly character and skillz!

Anonymous said...

Wow, it's friday afternoon and I am ready to leave work for the weekend (even though I still have an hour to go), when what do I stumble upon but this light-hearted reflection of a poor student stuck in the strange place of the classroom. He is board noticing odd things, which have good reason to be noticed. And I find myself in the same position, board from working on the same project all day and my mind is wandering to strange things I notice in the office. Similarities?? Well, it gave me a good laugh.

Anonymous said...

I can relate to this post from the other side of the podium, so to speak. Here's this poor professsor, trying desperately to knock a few shreds of knowledge through the heads of a bunch of underclassmen, and what are they thinking about? "Look at his finger - hah!" Shades of Beavis and Butthead, methinks. You are indeed a product of the B & B generation.

Not that the people of my generation did not find Beavis and Butthead hilarious. They were! But we felt apologetic about it and would never have admitted, much less put in writing, that we really thought that way. The students of yesterday had enough respect for professors to simply nod off or skip class entirely.

What did David think all those years when his father lectured him on responsibility, loving his brothers, respecting his mother, picking up his room? "Dad's breath smells like pickled herring tonight". "He's giving me the finger". I wonder.

Thanks for the insight, David. I'll continue to check in for regular edification in Christ!
