Friday, March 9, 2007

How God is not like a policeman

This morning on my way to work I was running late (but that's not the reason I got pulled over, because I go this fast normally) and I got pulled over for going 44/42mph (depending on if you go with the police officer's version or mine) in a 30 zone. I got a ticket. I didn't complain and protest, because I knew I wasn't abiding by the law, I knew I was driving over 30mph.
I did what was wrong, and I got the just punishment.

There are many times when I speed, and I don't get caught. In fact, this is the very first time I've ever gotten a speeding ticket (and I hope its the last) but I can assure you this is not the first time I've exceeded the posted speed limit.

God is not like the policeman who served me so well and brought justice into my life, because God sees everything. God sees every time I speed, he has the 'radar gun of justice' pointed at my every move. There is nothing that escapes his notice.

God is also unlike the police man because he loves me personally and although my sin is great and deserves a great punishment, God, in His love, chose to punish someone else. His own son.

Jesus Christ was crucified in my place, and received the "ticket," if you will, that I deserved, so that I could go free, and experience the love of God, instead of his wrath.

I am thankful for Mr. Policeman who reminded me of the gospel today. Yes, I am a great sinner - greater than I know, but God is a great savior.